Everybody needs to eat and drink. Although God knows that very well and has amazing ways of providing for our basic needs, many Christians worry that they might not have enough. Of course, worry is always about the future. Because we can never see tomorrow it is easy to fall to the temptation that the next day will bring disaster. That is Satan's lie; it cannot be true because God has promised to work all our circumstances together to produce goodness (Romans 8:28).
The extension of that lie is to set our hearts on what we want, growing in covetousness and making the object of our desire a god. That is idolatry (Ezekiel 14:1-6). The Christless world is always restless about the future, but the believer can and should be settled in their heart that the Lord is in command. The antidote to Satan’s restless lie is to see Christ as more precious than the thing you most desire (Ephesians 3:16-19). Jesus said that the goal to aim at is not enough food on the plate tomorrow, but allowing God to rule in your life today. Those who make this their daily practice are never impoverished.
The key is in what we set our hearts on. If we are so fixed about what we want, we will worry until we get it or we get upset if we don't. But when we fix our hearts on the Lord, receiving His love and growing in relationship with Him so that we enjoy obeying His commands, our whole horizon changes. We are no longer anxious about whether or not our plans to satisfy ourselves will succeed; instead, we are eagerly looking forward to each new day to embark on a fresh adventure with the Lord.
And as we seek God’s kingdom - His rule in our lives and His sovereignty over all that affects us - He will supply all that we need (Philippians 4:19). So, repent of worrying; start asking for daily bread, and when it comes - do give thanks. Not only will your outlook change, but those around you at work will enjoy you more and start to seek your Saviour.